Statement from Bishop Kevin J. Farrell

I, along with my brother bishops
in the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), continue to
urge Catholics and other people of goodwill to contact their elected
officials to protest the violation of religious liberty mandated by
President Obama and his Administration. While we were hopeful the
President was going to propose a meaningful compromise, we now know it
basically left unchanged the original mandate that will force all
Catholic institutions such as schools, hospitals and charities to
violate their faith tenets by forcing them to provide insurance coverage
that includes contraceptives and abortifacients. This goes far beyond
the issue of contraception and is first and foremost an issue of
religious freedom. Catholics in the Diocese of Dallas are urged to use
the list below to contact your legislators and speak out against this
unjust ruling.
We hope to work with the Administration
to guarantee that Americans’ consciences and our religious freedom are
not harmed by these regulations.
Please click here for more information and contact information for legislators in the Diocese of Dallas.
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