Friday, February 22, 2013

Latest Pope "Scandal" is manufactured propaganda designed to destroy the churches influence and to bring about regime change

More BS aimed at the Church.  This is pure propaganda designed to destroy the churches influence and to bring about regime change within the church.  There are many who want the next pope to be much more liberal leader, going back on the church's teachings, and allowing for activities "currently deemed sinful.",  like gay marriage, etc. (As if these were man-made laws to be so easily changed)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


By: Todd Starnes

I pondered that question over the weekend as I sat on my couch and watched Saturday Night Live blaspheme Jesus Christ in a violent and bloody Quentin Tarantino parody – just three days after Ash Wednesday.

The fake movie trailer for “Djesus Uncrossed” featured the Savior brandishing guns and blowing away Romans in classic Tarantino-style. Blood and gore and profanity spewed from flat screens from coast to coast – at one point Jesus sliced a man’s head in half.

“Critics are calling it a less violent ‘Passion of the Christ,’” the announcer declared. “I never knew how much Jesus used the n-word.”

Offending Christians is apparently what passes for entertainment these days.

A few days before the SNL episode — NBC Sports blogger Rick Chandler wrote a scathing smear against a prominent Christian church in Dallas.

The First Baptist Church in Dallas had invited Tim Tebow to speak at an upcoming service. Chandler urged the outspoken Christian football player to reconsider.

“Tim Tebow to speak at virulently anti-gay, anti-Semitic Dallas mega-church,” read the headline on Chandler’s hit piece.

Sing Oldham, a spokesman for the Southern Baptist Convention, told me he’s not surprised by NBC’s blistering assault on American Christians.

“It’s open season on those who profess personal faith in Jesus Christ and pattern their lives by biblical morality,” he said. “Evangelical Christians are treated with contempt and targeted for ridicule.”

And at the Peacock Network, the contempt and ridicule are on steroids.

NBC removed the words “under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance during a produced video that aired during the U.S. Open.

NBC medical editor Nancy Snyderman infamously denounced the religious part of Christmas during an episode of Today.

“I don’t like the religion part,” said Snyderman.“I think religion is what mucks the whole thing up.”

The “religion” she was referring to is celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.

The network has also produced religion-bashing shows like “The New Normal” and “The Book of Daniel.” That particular show as so offensive it led American Family Radio chairman Donald Wildmon to declare, “We are tired of NBC’s anti-Christian bigotry.”

I wish I could tell you that this sort of anti-Christian bigotry is an anomaly. Sadly, it is not.

We’ve seen the networks and national news publications denigrate the Christian faith with great flair – from the “Good Christian B****es” of ABC to Newsweek’s Christmas essay about the “The Myths of Jesus.”

I find it interesting that the networks always mock and ridicule Christianity – but they give other religions a pass.

Why aren’t the writers at SNL churning out weekly skits about Islam – or the Prophet Mohammed? Where’s the mock movie trailer for “Jihad Undetonated?” Where’s the television show called “Good Muslim B****es?” Or the magazine essay about “The Myths of Mohammed?”

I suspect we all know the answer to why.

Maybe 30 Rock chooses to attack followers of Jesus because Christians are easy targets.

Southern Baptist spokesman Oldham said it should come as no surprise that networks like NBC target Christians for ridicule.

“Jesus said, ‘the world will hate you because of my name,’” he said, referring to a passage in the New Testament.

As best as I can tell the folks over at NBC are either ideological bullies or religious bigots. Either one is enough for me to change the channel.

High School Wrestler Penalized for Prayer

It’s been a season-long tradition for Nicholas Fant to drop to one knee and offer a two-second prayer before his wrestling matches.

But on Tuesday, that two-second prayer got the Wake Forest-Rolesville High School student in trouble.
Fant was about to compete in the 220-pound class in the first round of the North Carolina playoffs. He jogged to the center of the mat, took and knee, prayed and was then cited by the referee.
The referee hit Fant with a stalling warning for delaying the match – a charge that cost the high school wrestler a point. The junior wrestler eventually lost the match.
Sam Hershey, the high school’s wrestling coach, was not happy with the call – and neither were fans.
He said he would not comment but would inquire about the spirit of the rule and its implementation. He said he wouldn’t report the official’s decision to the N.C. High School Athletic Association.
NCHSAA Commissioner David Whitfield told Fox News the referee made the right call.
“When the referee called them to the center of the mat – at that point it’s time to wrestle,” he said. “By rule, the official was well within his rights to issue a stall warning.”
Whitfield said the warning had nothing to do with religion.
“It had nothing to do with prayer or anything related to a faith-based scenario,” he said. “It had everything to do with the rules of wrestling.”
Whitfield conceded that referees do have some leeway.
“You have discretion in all rules as it relates to wrestling,” he said. “But in this case, one of the wrestlers was in the circle waiting.”
But not all wrestling officials agreed with the call – including David Culbreth of the Southeastern Wrestling Officials Association.
“David Culbreth believes in God and on my mat – God gets two seconds,” he told Fox News, apologizing for speaking in third-person.
Culbreth said he would have given the teenager time to pray.
“I’m not going to call that,” he said. “But if it turned into a 60-second prayer – he’d probably get a verbal warning – or I might try to say ‘Amen’ for him.”
Culbreth said when it comes to wrestling and high school athletics – he believes in a specific rule.
“There’s people of all different faiths and we are to respect those faiths,” he said.

Monday, February 18, 2013

One Win for the Good Guys

ACLU Loses Ten Commandments Case 
By Todd Starnes

Thou shall not remove the Ten Commandments.

That’s the declaration from a federal district court – dismissing a lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union against Dixie County, Fla. and ending a six-year legal battle.
The ACLU sued the county after they allowed a private citizen to erect a six-ton monument of the Ten Commandments atop the steps of the courthouse.

Senior District Judge Maurice Paul dismissed the case after the ACLU admitted that their client did not plan to buy property in Dixie County and therefore lacks standing to sue.
In addition to dismissing the case, the ACLU will be responsible for several thousand dollars in court costs.
The county had a policy that allowed private citizens to put up different kinds of displays – including the religious monuments.
“It’s prolonged campaign against the good citizens of Dixie County has come to a screeching halt,” he said. “In getting kicked out of court, the ACLU has learned that it cannot impose its San Francisco values upon a small town in Florida – using a phantom member from North Carolina."

Thursday, February 7, 2013

The BSA decision on Gays & Atheists in Scouting

I want to take a minute to offer my opinion on the current discussion within the BSA as to weather they should allow gays and more importantly, Atheists, into scouting.

The BSA is a private organization.  It's members join for the ideals that it espouses.  Those who do not believe in those ideals or whom have no beliefs at all are capable of creating their own groups for whatever ideals they hold.

Scouting is more than just camping and pinewood derbies.  That may be what we do, but it is not what it stands for or what we teach.  Scouting is a symbol of our *moral heritage*.  It should not fall victim to the continued degradation of society around us.

At the very heart of scouting is the *Duty to GOD* and of moral wholesome upbringing.  These are not just traditions to change on a whim, they are the very root of scouting itself. Even in the foundation of the oath that we take:
"On my honor, I will do my best. To do my duty to *GOD* and my country" 
These ideals are likewise embedded into the scout law :
A Scout is: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, Reverent.
REVERENT  - A Scout is reverent toward *God*. He is faithful in his religious duties. 
CLEAN  - A Scout keeps his body *and mind* fit and clean. He goes around with those who believe in living by these same ideals. He helps keep his home and community clean.
The BSA is a society of upstanding young men and leaders that I am proud to be associated with.  The BSA is an agnostic in our beliefs, yet steadfastly religious and reverent; We are Catholic, Protestant, Sikh, Jewish, and more; Yet it is a fundamental tenant of membership that we are God-faring and morally upstanding citizens.

But a society that turns against it's very oaths laws and ideals cannot stand whole.  It can not hold honor or loyalty.  It will divide, fracture, degrade, devolve, and dissolve.

Like many other troops, our troop is sponsored by a our church, and 95% of us are members of that same church.   Without the requirement for religion and morality, our charter might lose that sponsorship.

Given what else is going on in this country at this time, that may well be the goal - to dissolve organizations like the BSA that hold the ideals of religion and morality up high.

Lord Baden-Powell would be rolling in his grave that we are even posing this question to ourselves.  To even ask this question is a grievous trespass of the oath that we all swore, and of our duty to God.

Friday, February 1, 2013

University of Michigan Kicks Christian Club off Campus

University of Michigan Kicks Christian Club off Campus
By Todd Starnes

The University of Michigan is accused of kicking an InterVarsity Christian Fellowship chapter off campus because the group requires its leaders to be Christians – an apparent violation of the university’s non-discrimination policy.

Greg Jao, InterVarsity’s national field director, told Fox News the Asian chapter of the group was directed to either revise its constitution – or else be forced off campus.

“The university is sending the message that religious voices are suspect and should be marginalized,” Jao said. “I think it sends the message that the university does not understand the nature of religious beliefs and the convictions of religious students.”

In order for students to be InterVarsity leaders they must sign a statement of faith. But the university said that requirement violated their non-discrimination policy.

Sara Chang, an InterVarsity staff member at the University of Michigan, said they were given the option of submitting a revised constitution.

Instead, Chang and the other students decided to stand firm in their faith.

“For us, there’s no other option than to hold to the tenets of our faith,” she told Fox News. “We want to model a lifestyle of integrity. Holding the Bible as the inspired, divine word of God and seeing the commands for us to choose leaders who have a vibrant faith in Jesus – is obviously something very important that we want to continue to uphold.”

As a result of their decision, the university de-recognized the group – forcing them to relocate off campus.

InterVarsity has 10 chapters at Michigan and he suspects the others will soon be called upon to make similar changes in their constitutions.

“The sad place that we’ve arrived at is that certain campuses in pursuit of tolerance and diversity – are now saying they will use those standards to discriminate and marginalize viewpoints they disagree with,” he said.

“I think the university’s decision will impact any religious group that’s being honest about their leadership criteria.”

Last year Vanderbilt University banned 14 Christian groups from campus after they refused to change their bylaws to put them in compliance with the non-discrimination policy. One of those groups was InterVaristy Fellowship.

“It really had a chilling effect on students and our work,” Jao told Fox News.

He said Vanderbilt’s relationship with Christian students is disturbing.

“They prohibited all other registered student organizations from co-sponsoring events with our groups,” he said. “It’s pretty punitive. We’re a little bit of a pariah.”

He said Christians at Vandy “feel disenfranchised, distinctly unwelcome.”