Thursday, February 7, 2013

The BSA decision on Gays & Atheists in Scouting

I want to take a minute to offer my opinion on the current discussion within the BSA as to weather they should allow gays and more importantly, Atheists, into scouting.

The BSA is a private organization.  It's members join for the ideals that it espouses.  Those who do not believe in those ideals or whom have no beliefs at all are capable of creating their own groups for whatever ideals they hold.

Scouting is more than just camping and pinewood derbies.  That may be what we do, but it is not what it stands for or what we teach.  Scouting is a symbol of our *moral heritage*.  It should not fall victim to the continued degradation of society around us.

At the very heart of scouting is the *Duty to GOD* and of moral wholesome upbringing.  These are not just traditions to change on a whim, they are the very root of scouting itself. Even in the foundation of the oath that we take:
"On my honor, I will do my best. To do my duty to *GOD* and my country" 
These ideals are likewise embedded into the scout law :
A Scout is: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, Reverent.
REVERENT  - A Scout is reverent toward *God*. He is faithful in his religious duties. 
CLEAN  - A Scout keeps his body *and mind* fit and clean. He goes around with those who believe in living by these same ideals. He helps keep his home and community clean.
The BSA is a society of upstanding young men and leaders that I am proud to be associated with.  The BSA is an agnostic in our beliefs, yet steadfastly religious and reverent; We are Catholic, Protestant, Sikh, Jewish, and more; Yet it is a fundamental tenant of membership that we are God-faring and morally upstanding citizens.

But a society that turns against it's very oaths laws and ideals cannot stand whole.  It can not hold honor or loyalty.  It will divide, fracture, degrade, devolve, and dissolve.

Like many other troops, our troop is sponsored by a our church, and 95% of us are members of that same church.   Without the requirement for religion and morality, our charter might lose that sponsorship.

Given what else is going on in this country at this time, that may well be the goal - to dissolve organizations like the BSA that hold the ideals of religion and morality up high.

Lord Baden-Powell would be rolling in his grave that we are even posing this question to ourselves.  To even ask this question is a grievous trespass of the oath that we all swore, and of our duty to God.

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