Saturday, April 27, 2013

Obama and US Army call Christians "hostile" and "extremist" while cultivating army of left-wing atheists.

Yup.  Those pesky "freedom and faith" families are getting out of hand.  Better round 'em all up and put stars on their clothes and tattoos on their forearms.  Maybe make 'em take a shower. </sarc>

Sheesh.  Haven't we covered this already?  Faith and a desire for freedom is what *FOUNDED* this nation.  And what made us sovereign in the first place.

If I didn’t know any better, I’d say the US Army is being run by the left-wing, anti- Christian hate group SPLC. They seem to be trying to stamp out any and all religious sentiment in its soldiers, as well as trying to discourage those with religious beliefs from even serving in the Army. Unless Congress steps up and does something to stop it, religious freedom in the military will be a thing of the past. 
In its latest enemy action against Christianity, the United States Army blocked the website of the Southern Baptist Convention from government computers. 
An Army officer assigned to a U.S. base says he tried to access from his government computer but instead got a message that said the site was being blocked by “Team CONUS.” The message he received read: 
“The site you have requested has been blocked by Team CONUS (C-TNOSC/RECERT-CONUS) due to hostile content.” 
Team CONUS is the Department of Defense management and computer network overseer of the military’s Continental U.S. (CONUS) Theater Network Operations and Security Center (C-TNOSC) and Regional Computer Emergency Response Team (RCERT).
“So the Southern Baptist Convention is now considered hostile to the U.S. Army … It just corroborates the recent string of events highlighted by AFA,” the officer wrote in an email to American Family Association (AFA). 
Earlier this month, a shocking story broke about an Army instructor in Pennsylvania who labeled Evangelical Christians, Catholics, Orthodox Jews and Mormons “religious extremists” alongside Hamas and al Qaeda during an Army Reserve Equal Opportunity training brief on extremism. 
A few days later, Todd Starnes reported at Townhall that an Army officer at Ft. Campbell, KY had recently sent an email to subordinates using similar descriptions to describe two mainstream Christian ministries that were put in the same category as Neo-Nazis, Racist Skinheads, White Nationalists and the Ku Klux Klan. 
Rep. Randy Forbes, R-Va., told Fox News that soldiers have been seeing a steady attack on faith and religious freedom in the military. “We are getting a lot of calls from soldiers saying, ‘We’re afraid of going to church. We’re afraid to be seen praying. We’re afraid that would hurt our careers, our promotions.’” 
It’s almost like Obama  is trying to cultivate an Army of left-wing atheists.

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